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Always Free Security Audit
Quality products & services backed by decades of experience
Cutting edge technology to keep your home and business safe
We'll respond within 24hrs of your submission during regular business hours.

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Get Your Free Security Audit

Get a personalized security audit to assess the landscape of your security environment

Step 1 of 3

What is your reason for adding Security?
Have you ever been a victim of Break and enter?

Call Us

(905) 529-4000
Toll Free: 1-(866) 257-6180


Monday - Friday: 9am - 5pm EST

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219 Dundurn St S, Hamilton, ON L8P 4K6

Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I choose Perimeter Security over the big name security companies

There are several reasons we think we should be your security provider of choice.

1. Personal service. We are the owners not just employees. Your satisfaction is absolutely imperative to us. It is most likely that our next client will be referred to us from our last client.

2. Our ultimate goal is to keep anyone who is unauthorized out of your premises. We first ensure that forced entry through vulnerable points of entry is reduced or rendered nearly impossible through our “target hardening” of your home or business.

We then focus on alarm notification while the potential intruder is still outside the property. No other company has this goal In mind, the other guys are only hoping you will send them their monthly monitoring fee and don’t really care if your property is violated.

3. Reputation

How do I clean my windows after the film has been applied?

You can use any normal household window cleaner on the film just nothing abrasive.

Will a home alarm save me money?

A home alarm with smoke detection can provide you a 15% REDUCTION in your home insurance premiums. Check with your insurance company or Broker for details.

Can my phone line be cut disabling the alarm?

Depending on what type of phone line system you use, the phone line can be disabled and by doing so remove the ability for communication with our central monitoring station, however cellular back up systems can be installed and we offer this service.

How does security film work?

Security film is a virtually transparent film that is laminated onto EXISTING windows. Once correctly applied these films or laminates can withstand up to 450 PSI (pounds per square inch) impact. Although not impenetrable, security film takes regular glass and makes it into security glass capable of withstanding high impact from things such as rocks, bats, hammers as well as severe weather that can send flying debris into your windows and into your home.
Get the best security solutions for your home & Business

Get In Touch

(905) 529-4000
Toll Free: 1-(866) 257-6180

[email protected]
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